APRIL 4-5, 2025

Conference will include three meals, three plenary sessions, three testimonies, 2 Q&As, book giveaways, and more!
The conference will start on Friday at 6pm and will conclude the next day at 2pm.

Keynote Speakers:
Matthew Delaughter (Immanuel Community Church), Ryan Rice (Connect Church Algiers) and George Ross (Lakeshore Church)

“You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me
in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
2 Timothy 2:1-2

At Immanuel, our prayer is that the Lord would allow us to raise up godly leaders who would lead our church in the years to come and to send out godly men as pastors, church planters, and missionaries. We have developed the Timothy Track in order to assess and equip faithful men for the work of gospel ministry.

The Timothy Track is divided into three 12-week blocks, and participants will meet weekly on Monday mornings from 5:30–7:00. Throughout the Timothy Track, participants will memorize the book of Titus, interpret and discuss the Pastoral Epistles, read and discuss numerous books on theology and pastoral ministry, as well as have opportunities to preach and receive feedback. Each semester has a specific emphasis.

First Semester: Pastoral Ministry/Counseling
Second Semester: Ecclesiology (Doctrine of the Church)
Third Semester: Preaching, Worship, and Missions

If you are interested in participating in the Timothy Track, please complete the application, and we will contact you with further details.